Chapter President
Nick Williamson
Nick Williamson is a 3rd year studying Finance and Economics with a History minor at the University of Georgia. He has been involved in Alpha Kappa Psi since the Fall of 2016 and has dedicated himself to this chapter ever since.
Chapter President | Nick Williamson | president.akpsi.ae@gmail.com
VP of Administration | Shaina Morgan | vpa.akpsi.ae@gmail.com
VP of Membership | MacKay Brown | vpm.akpsi.ae@gmail.com
Master of Rituals | Gabe Fontana | mor.akpsi.ae@gmail.com
Corporate President | Jackson Carlton | aecorporate@gmail.com
VP of Finance | Ryan Muehlberger | chaptertreasurer.ae@gmail.com
VP of Professional | Michael Chung | akpsi.professional.ae@gmail.com
VP of Social | Anya Jaffer | aesocial@gmail.com
VP of Philanthropy| Braxton Goodnight | outreach.ae@gmail.com
VP of Alumni Relations | Madeline Schitea | alumnialphaepsilon@gmail.com
Secretary | Shaina Morgan | alphae.secretary@gmail.com
Parliamentarian | Lily Stephens
Historian | Margaret Laney
Faculty Advisor | Jason Rudbeck
Chapter Advisor | Travis Brown
Regional Director | Jacqueline Ginarte